In 2022 I was asked to help proofread the game assets for Wizard's Loot, an independently developed tabletop game designed by my old pal, Andrew Mackie. As I became familiar with the game and the process of refining and playtesting, I recognized how tabletop games presented an opportunity to explore narrative and world-building. By the end of the year I had scraped my brain for every half-baked fantasy and horror idea I had ever had since moving to Providence after college and built a system of gameplay mechanics to prop it all up.
After more than a year of refinements I have built a digital playable prototype that's actually kind of fun!

Weird City is inspired by Providence, Rhode Island (its locations, history, colorful personalities, and quirks), old EC Comics titles like Tales From the Crypt and Weird Science (hence the extremely cool retro-pulp logo designed by MA-based artist Jeff Desrosiers), and whatever spare parts I had from those story ideas I had kicking around my skull.
This is all very much a work in progress, but it is playable! Tweaks and refinement continue, and I am currently working to develop the "house style" for card art (again, heavily inspired by the EC Comics/midcentury pulp aesthetic). Stay tuned, and follow Weird City on Instagram for updates!